Made my BF cry in bed and now I feel bad.
So my BF (26m) and I (24f) have been together for two years. Our relationship is wonderful and I truly consider myself lucky to have met him. Like he’s legit my perfect dream guy.
Unfortunately though he grew up in a dysfunctional family where he was shown no affection from a young age. In fact he was shamed for wanting affection. As a result he struggles to be affectionate and romantic.
I often tell him I love him even though I don’t expect it back. (He often says “I love you” when he sleep talks, idk who he says that to though lolol)
Anyway a few days ago we were f-ing each other and he was on top. At one point I looked at him and said “I love you”.
I didn’t expect a response to this (tbh the only response was feeling his D twitch inside me) but he sort of looked at me like he felt bad for not saying it back.
I just said “it’s okay” at which point he leaned over, hugged me and started crying quietly.
I was initially shocked as I have never seen him cry and hugged him back. Afterwards I felt soooo bad for causing this to happen!
The love-making ended up being phenomenal though, he was so primal and hot. We came at the same time which hasn’t happened often.
We haven’t talked about this but he changed a little, in a good way. I don’t know what to say but I still kinda feel guilty….
Netizens’ comments
- Sounds like you did everything right. You helped him break out of his shell – even if it’s only a little bit. IMHO, he might have felt truly loved for the first time in his life.
- He is clearly DYING to be able to express this kind of thing to his partner, but is holding back because of being shamed for this desire growing up. You told him that in the middle of a very heightened emotional moment, and YOU initiated that contact first, and then you didn’t make him feel bad for his natural hesitation to reciprocate. The fact he responded by going primal on you shows everything; you don’t have to feel bad, but proud. You gave him something he’s been wanting but been starved of his whole life. Tears aren’t always bad. If he’d suddenly frozen up and retreated into him self…then you would be justified in worrying about this. He responded in the most natural way; he didn’t think, he just felt and acted.
- make him feel loved in all the ways you can. he’ll probably get used to this affection and love and he will feel more confident about this. and I’m super happy for you! you seem to be a very cute couple 🙂