A guy shared a story of how he has been giving in to every whim that his wife demands as she once went through a medical condition but recovered.
He also mentions that he has been giving in till he feels that it is too much as her request and demands can get too unreasonable and she does not appreciate and reciprocate what he does for her.
He is therefore asking for advice on what should he do, as he is on the verge of wanting to divorce her.
Here is the story
“I nearly lost my wife due to a medical condition and when she recovered, I try to accommodate her behavior and treat her better by buying her things she like.
But she has severe OCD and always demand things be done her way ( for example If a guest visit our home even my own parents, she would wipe everything they sit on) and would often take it out on me or our kids when things are not done her way.
I feel that my love and concern for her is not being reciprocated.
Today, once she step into the house, she keep nagging why i did not keep my stuff, she bought a big drink and share it with our kid and purposely don’t pour me a cup, at night she refused to sleep with me and rather sleep with our child when she knows that I can’t sleep alone.
I packed my stuff and left home.
It may sound trivial but such incidents happened over and over again, i am really at my limits and I am really tired.
What should i do? I am really thinking of a divorce but I am worried how it will affect my child.
I am just lost about what I should do.”
Image source: Unsplash.com