Most effort you’ve made to impress your date
When i was in secondary school i went to watch a movie at the princess cinema at bedok interchange (yah i old lah) with a girl i had a big crush on.
Step hero, asked if I could hold her hand and she said ok. scoreeee. 5 minutes later i felt the urge to poop like never before. i’m talking about food poisoning level of having to crap.
but throw face to go poop on first date right? bro i think i burnt 5000 calories sitting in that theater using every bit of energy to try to exercise some control over my sphincter. HIIT ain’t nothing compared to.. how bad i had to poop. longest movie ever.
the type of stomach ache i had, at this age, i’d poop myself if i don’t find a toilet within 2 minutes, and 2 minutes is being ambitious. i don’t know how i did it but i sat through the movie (ha), and even walked her to her bus stop.
as soon as she got on the bus i shuffled (can’t walk normal strides with this inquisitive turd wanting to come out and check out what’s going on) to the closest toilet – for me this part is the ultimate sacrifice and biggest sacrifice I ended up having to do as part of a date – i shat at the toilet at BEDOK INTERCHANGE HAWKER CENTER CENTER TOILET CIRCA 2002 (aka the worst toilet in the world).
you think Nirvana was grunge? bruh, you go poop at bedok interchange hawker center in the early 90s–2000’s. that’s grunge, singapore style. paid 10 cents for this luxury summore. btw why are the toilets that you have to pay for always so rabak?
anyway fast forward – we’ve been together for 18 years now, married for 5 years. i guess it paid off. now can walked into a bathroom while she’s doing her make up, looked her in the eye and casually take a dump.
Netizens’ comments
- LOL can relate. My first date with my wife was like this. Had a real bad stomachache but it felt like it was gonna be a long one at pearl harbour so I didn’t want the awkward wait, and the chemistry was really good, so I just tahan through the dinner and the after dinner chat (till restaurant closing time) and walked her to her bus stop. The moment she got on the bus I just made a beeline straight to the Aperia toilet.
Apparently she liked me but thought that there was no second date because I seemed a bit nonchalant at the end of the date, but nah girl, I just reaaaally needed to poop. - Back when girls could still be sent off at bus stops lol. Now no send home by car or grab, no talk.
I don’t know how you guys could tahan and act normal with such an intense stomachache.
Your face would have been blue and you wouldnt even have been able to make conversation, LOL