Spending habit for couples
Guy(22) here and GF (21).
She has a very bad and impulsive spending habit when it comes to buying things, be it upon seeing it immediately and having to buy materialistic items such as bracelet etc when it is not a need.
While I am more on the saving side as I was brought up since young not to spend money on stuff that I don’t need.
Main reason for me asking for help here is because, I do see a future with her, yes I want us to save money to BTO and whatnot, she also wants to enter uni which you know the fees are extremely high. I’ve been talking to her about her spending habits and whatnot for the past few months, yes she did improve by not spending as much and going out as much(cause she spend crazy amount whenever with friends). But she still has this mindset about materialistic items.
Yes, if I was rich,I would definitely get that item for her, but I’m here with just a mere NSF pay and skilled on an industry that has low pay.
Any ideas on how do I talk her out of spending or wanting to spend that much on items?