Would you go for a surgery with 10% success rate?
Context is a friend with spinal injuries.
If they don’t go for the surgery, they will be in constant pain for the next 2-10 years (doctor’s estimation of remaining lifespan)
If they opt for surgery, there’s a 10% success rate and failure means being wheelchair bound/crippled for life or death. A full recovery considering surgery is successful would take another 10 years.
Would like to get more perspectives on this!
Edit: Just to clarify, due to an accident, bones are currently inching their way into my friend’s spinal nerves. It will eventually paralyze and/or kill them without the surgery, and pain medications & injections are temporary measures. Hope this clarifies!
Netizens’ comments
- Very sorry to hear that. Both options tbh sucks but able to share out of /10 the pain your friend is feeling? And it’s a constant pain?
- (OP) Yeah its a really shitty situation. From what I know, it is constant and feels like your bones are breaking every moment. Only medication and injections would help slightly
- Can’t say, but if it were me, considering the poor quality of life even if I can live on for the next 2-10 years sucks, I’ll just gamble.
- Personally I would opt for the surgery. Being wheelbound but no/little pain is better than being able to walk+tortured by your back for your remaining time here.
- Basically, the question should be: go for a surgery that has a 10% chance of solving the issue but a 90% chance of making it worse, or wait until it inevitably worsens by itself?
I’d say take the 10% chances. It’s much better than the alternative, which is a recovery probability of 0% and just spend a few more years in pain with no solution afterwards.