I (54M) am wondering if it time to leave my (52F) wife of 30 years
I have been married for 30 years with 2 kids, 25 and 27. Had ups and downs. Wife cheated on me 20 years ago. I have never been unfaithful. She begged to come back. Kids were young and we worked it out somehow.
Bumped along. We are now empty nesters. Now she is increasingly frustrated with me for small things like me leaving the light on in another room, not wiping the table down correctly and missing a spot.
Usually results in a 15 minute lecture. Also for not listening. I try to listen but her favorite topic is politics which I am just sick of. Even though she and I mostly agree politically.
She spends most of her days and nights on Facebook and news sites commenting and arguing. It makes it hard for me to sleep when someone is texting literally all night.
Her average is like 6 hours a day on Facebook. She refuses to work, wants to stay home to provide care for our grandson. Whom I love!
I have a demanding job and can support ourselves well. But she openly criticizes her “in-laws” political views on Facebook, which is our most recent fight. It causes tension when we visit relatives.
We are currently in couples therapy about 3 sessions in and she is not receptive. Mostly controls the therapy conversation about how she is oppressed and discriminated against.
she completely seems unhinged. I am tired and I don’t know if I can go on.