Dear SU,
It all started out last month when I had a new neighbor that just move in. She moved in and started making complaints to my other neighbors every day. Saying the plants are blocking her way because of her gigantic A**hole. Now she come new pattern with my family.
Now she come new pattern with my family. I was slacking in my living room and she came over and look into my home.
Readers, please take note my living room is L shape from the main door. There is no way a passerby can see me as there is no direct view. Â WHO THE HELL WILL DO THAT AND PEAK IN?!
The only way she can see me is if she stands at a certain angle of the door. This single lao gu gu auntie sad that nobody wants. keep claiming that it is illegal for me to be topless in my house.
Hello. Auntie u mad ah? Like that all those guys at beach need to get arrested ah?
Submitted by: annoyed neighbour at Khatib