If you give silent treatment whenever someone hurt you, you’re a dumbass and immature af.
All you gotta do is talk. Simple as that. Just talk about what made you unhappy, annoyed, angry, frustrated, etc.
If you don’t explain yourself, don’t expect people to read your mind. No, silent treatment is not a “clear message”. Cause it could be range from “I’m really busy too talk” to “I’m not acknowledging your existence”.
If you did explain multiple times and they choose to not acknowledge your feelings, then leave. It’s not that hard.
It’s extremely tiring for us who had good intentions but probably came out wrong in our actions or words. Majority of the time it’s something very very fixable. We didn’t mean to hurt you at all.
If you’re one of the people who thinks silent treatment is the best way to deal with small issues,
You’re still immature af. Your dumbass can’t handle any small pain. Yet you stick around to give them silent treatment cause you simply love to feel power. High chance you have abandonment issues too so you simply love when people are begging you to tell them what they did wrong. And then when they cried wondering what they did, you just gonna go and say “Hey what’s wrong? I’m not mad at you, just dissapointed”.
Then when they had enough and leave, you’ll say “Fine. Go ahead. Leave me like everyone else then. And I thought you’re my friend”.
Lol guilt tripping tactics. And you wonder why you have no friends.
Keep up with this attitude and I promise you at the end of your life you’ll be all alone. No one cares about you and no one will remember anything good about you.
Grow the F up.