Hi guys, does anyone know if divorce is possible if only one of the party wants it?
My parents have been married for more than 20 years, but their relationship is not ideal.
Here are some of the conditions in my family:
- father works a full time job, drawing 3-4k every month but only pays my mother $300
- he does not pay any utility bill, mother pays for his phone bill
- used to gamble, not sure about now (always broke for some reason, despite the salary and not contributing much), even after inheriting $10k recently from my grandfather
- always asking my mother for money (sometimes indirectly such as asking her to eat at different places, while expecting her to pay 100% of the time)
- throws temper when he don’t get his way (if mother objects to dining out etc)
- recently broke his phone and expects my mother to buy him a new one
For additional information, they have not shared the same room for about 10 years now.
Sick of how my mother puts up with his entitlement and suffers for him
I am tired of seeing my mother having to suffer with him, with his entitlement and lack of responsibility. While I agree that my mother spoilt him, his character was always this rotten even according to my relatives.
My mom is worried about divorcing because she is scared that my grandparents will be hurt, and that I will have an incomplete family, even though I don’t mind.
Can someone share an insight on the procedure? I’m pretty sure he will object to it, therefore I need to know if it is possible if it is one sided, and what will the aftermath be.