It all started when I found out that my colleague, who had been working at the company for only three months, was earning $5,000 a month.
I was shocked. He was basically doing nothing but ordering people around. I couldn’t believe it. How could someone get paid that much for such a minor role?
After asking around, I learned that my colleague was the son of the company’s owner. That explained it. He was getting paid just for being the owner’s son.
It didn’t seem fair. I had been working at the company for five years and I was barely making half of what he was getting paid.
I was so upset that I decided to confront my colleague about it. I asked him why he was getting paid so much while the rest of us were barely making ends meet.
He simply replied that the company belonged to his dad and he deserved to get paid more.
That was the moment when I realized that this unfairness was not just confined to our company. It seemed like everywhere I looked, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.
It seemed like the rich were always one step ahead, while the rest of us were struggling to make it.
I was determined to do something about it. I started researching the issue and soon realized that this was much bigger than I had thought.
It was a systemic problem that needed to be addressed.
I decided to create a petition to try and bring attention to the issue and demand fair wages for all. I was hoping to get some support from other employees in the company, but that didn’t happen.
Most people were too afraid to speak out against the rich, and those who did were quickly silenced.
It seemed like my efforts were futile. No matter what I did, my colleague was still earning $5,000 a month, while I was still struggling to make ends meet.
I was so frustrated and angry that I decided to quit my job.
As I walked out of the office for the last time, I looked at my colleague and realized that nothing was ever going to change.
He was going to keep earning $5,000 a month, while the rest of us were stuck in the same situation.
It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was the reality of the world we lived in.
The rich kept getting richer and the poor kept getting poorer.
There was nothing any of us could do to change that.