Why is my partner (43F) getting more “loose”?
I don’t mean this to be offensive or insensitive to any women, because apparently, some find this offensive.
My wife and I have been married for 20 years and our bedroom activities have never been an issue. She has birthed 3 kids, youngest 6 years ago.
In the past year, I’ve noticed that sleeping with her is becoming more difficult for me to get off because there’s so little friction down there. She gets very wet and feels like she has gotten more loose.
So I thought it was just me and I was losing sensitivity down there as I get older but I used a toy (flesh light) for the first time a couple weeks ago and I realized that no, I haven’t lost any sensitivity.
Why is this happening and is there something we can do to fix it? I haven’t yet brought it up to her because I’ve been reading online and some women find this very offensive so I was going to get opinions first, I don’t want to hurt her feelings.
And cheating isn’t a concern I’m not worried some other man has “stretched” her out or anything.
Edit: okay thanks everyone. I get it, I’m an idiot and do not know about women’s bodies. It’s not “loose” she’s just wetter now and makes it seem that way. I guess it’s a good thing we’ve been together 20 years and I’m still able to light her fire. Thanks for the responses, you can quit calling me stupid.