For new graduates confused abt pte housing fret not.
The most impt to be able to afford quality housing is ur salary. For pte housing, we try to aim for 8k starting pay at graduation as this will max out ur cpf oa contribution which u can pour into ur House
By 3 years into your job, your pay shld be 12k.
Don’t buy a car. Please. Take mrt and bus. Adult Concession is just $128 per mth. Treat pte hire rides as a sin.
If you want a nice house early, DO NOT transfer to SA. Transferring to SA will cause issues with downpayment of 25%. Don’t believe in those 1M65 idiots.
Transferring to SA is stupid coz if u can max out your cpf ceiling of 102k per year from age of 27, you will hit frs even without transferring.
You are permitted to eat avocados.Unlimited amount. I personally eat 4 daily. Quite cheap ntuc sell 4 for $6.95. And quite filling.
Keep your daily expense to less than $20 excluding avocadoes. Use sim only. Don’t change phone too frequently. Cancel unnecessary Netflix Disney subscriptions. Don’t give parents too much money. Under report ur income to them. Just max two credit card and pay ur credit card fully each month. Too much credit card affects the loan u can get next time. Don’t buy too much new clothes, make up, accessories. Limit ur insurance spending by buying the correct things. Buy term insurance. Critical illness can opt out. But full hospitalization insurance is a must. Cancel gym. Go use the public fitness corner.
If u do the above, you shld be able to gather cash + oa of 600,000 by age 30 to 31 if girl and 32 to 33 if guy. Then u pour it into your downpayment and stamp duty for the first 2 bedroom rcr new lauch or 3 bedroom ocr new launch.
Tldr: avocado is not the problem. The problem is not earning enough and spending too much money.