Change job or no?
hi i hope admin can share my post to get more feedbacks. Not mocking anyone or humble bragging but i really need advices.
I am in my 40s this year. Currently drawing annual salary of 60k+/- in administrative. Previously i was in jobs where work environments are demanding & lots of politics to face daily. After some job hopping, current office is a small set-up. My bosses are not local and the work culture is basically slow pace. I will say i do have the luxury of doing nothing daily with some occasional of preparing reports only. I am not exactly putting my work experiences to what i am doing now.
But i am not used to the slow pace work style. I am seriously considering to find another job which can pay better and more work exposures.
A close friend of mine advised me not to regret later leaving a job which is considered high paying with a chill work environment. But i am not sure if i can / should stay on here till retirement. At times i really feel guilty, everyday i am just doing nothing and wasting my time away.
If you are used to busy work lifestyle will you continue to explore other job opportunities but of course take own time to chose or logical advise is to stay put and make use the free time to explore personal interest?
Thank you
Here are what netizens think:
- At 40, if you’re bored and prefer a busier job then go and find that otherwise you’ll have 20 more years of mind numbing days ahead of you. But if you are smart, use that free time to study or improve yourself or even ask management for more responsibility or do a side hustle.
- Stay in the job and pick up side work while acquiring other skills. Focus on skills development where the future job / work is not subject to age discrimination.
- If you do not have commitments outside of work, please change your job. If there are, then perhaps you can think of how to maximise your time and money.
- Chill work environment always win. Why work so hard for the same pay? Many would want to be in your shoes. Use the time after work to improve your skills – investing, learning some marketable or “second-career” skills. Ask yourself: “If I don’t do this job anymore, what can I pivot to? Or how can I be self-sufficient?”