Whenever I meet someone new, I have a tendency to want to meet them every single day. Not because I am in love with them or what but because I am very curious about them and want to find out more.
I’ll get bored of them after a month, then start to MIA from them
But usually in within a month I’ll get bored of the person and I’ll start to ghost her. I know a lot of people think I’m a player and always gossip about me, but I’m really not.
I genuinely want to find a girlfriend to spend the rest of my life with which is why I have to be very very sure before I commit to anyone.
If the person is not the right one, what’s the use of continuing to see each other when we know the relationship will not go anywhere? We shouldn’t be wasting each other’s time, right?
It is the easiest way out
I know it’s wrong and that it’s not a good look, but I just don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. It’s not like I’m hurting anyone or that I’m trying to hurt anyone’s feelings.
I just think it’s the easiest way out of a situation that I don’t want to be in.
I’ve had a few relationships that have gone on for longer than a month and I just don’t have the patience to keep something going past a certain point if it does not work, and I think that’s why I’m so comfortable with ghosting girls after one month.
I still think that ghosting after one month is the best way, it’s easier than having a long drawn out conversation about why I don’t want to