My ex and I have a 13 years old daughter together.
She has primary custody because when our daughter was born I chose not to stay in her life because I was very young and stupid.
Recently I decided to contact my daughter and I was glad to know that she wants to get to know me.
We have been spending a lot of time together and I’m starting to see some concerning things about her. For example, when I take her to a restaurant instead of looking for something she likes, she only looks at the prices and chooses the cheapest option in the menu.
It’s so bad that I don’t give her a menu anymore and just read it to her so that she doesn’t see the prices. Another example is that she gets extremely happy when I get her a gift, I mean TOO HAPPY.
Like asking me multiple times if it’s really hers and thanking me several times and telling me that her sister has one these and she always wished she had one too
I confronted her mom about it and told her I don’t like the way she has raised my child and I think what she is doing is abusive. She blew up at me and told me how she raised her own child is none of my business and called me an AH for judging her but I’m just trying to look out for my child