Office politics fail
I work in sales, not insurance or property, and my sales director is a young guy, under 30s, talk damn big kind.
He is always harping on our sales figure and being an arm chair critic. We salespeople are the ones on the ground and it’s extremely frustrating that someone high up the ivory tower, that doesnt do sales anymore, keeps telling us how to do our jobs.
So I lost it and talked back to him. He threw a challenge, to hit a certain kpi by end of q1 this year. Whoever hit the kpi first wins. The KPI is a stretch, but doable in 1 quarter. So I accepted his challenge.
Director cleared the 3 month KPI in 2 weeks, and of course won the challenge.
Now, whenever I enter the office, I am looked down upon by rest of my colleagues. Most of them agree with me about our boss but don’t dare to speak up.
Sales director seems to enjoy picking on me now. Keep asking me regularly how are my sales, my pitch and everything. And then keeps critisizing wdv i share with him, keeps imposing his opinions on me. He doesnt do that to other ppl under him.
Should I quit and start fresh at some other company?
Here are what netizens think:
- It proves a few things unfortunately;
1) He doesn’t talk big, he does have that ability.
2) You challenged him and lost. Why does he do so much better? He must be doing something right. Learn
3) He deserved his position, and you should respect that.
4) He has all the rights to teach you
- Hahahaha he got the abilities. U on the other hand called his bluff then kena royal flushed. Leave la.
- You lost, so learn to lose well. Either accept that he has lessons to offer or if you can’t, quit. Staying and keeping the status quo is the laziest and worst option for you.
- He’s a director and you’re not for a reason. And he proved it amply. So eat the humble pie.