My wife and I have been together for 5 years have a 3 year old daughter together and have been through some rough patches but I’ve always loved her.
She’s always had bouts with addiction to alcohol to the point that she gets blacked out drunk. She goes to bars at least twice a month otherwise she’ll drink at home.
I developed severe pain in the genitals and went to the doctor and it turns out I had gonorrhea. I’ve only been with my wife.
She says nothing happened but like I said above she gets blacked out drunk occasionally. So what do I do. Was she raped, is she lying, should I leave or stay?
Any advice would be appreciated. I’ve already talked to her about it. I can narrow it down to her last escapade since she does get tested regularly due to a lot of bacterial infections.
So it had to of been her last visit to the bar that’s the only thing I can think of.
Netizens’ comments
After reading some of your other replies, she’s a train wreck.
At this point, your priority should be your daughter. You need to divorce her and focus on your child’s safety.