I remember the night like it was yesterday. I was out with my friends, drinking and having a good time. We were carefree, living our best lives, and I guess I got a little carried away. By the time the night was over, I had had a few too many drinks and I was feeling the effects. I was completely inebriated, but I made the fateful decision to get behind the wheel of my car and drive home.
I was well aware of the risks I was taking, but I told myself I was fine to drive. I was confident that I could make it home without incident, and I was sure nothing bad would happen. I was sure I wouldn’t get caught for drink driving. After all, I had a secret weapon that would protect me from the law – a magical deity.
I had heard about this deity from a friend, and I was sure it was real. According to legend, the deity was an entity that could shield people from the law when they had done something wrong. I was sure that if I invoked the deity, it would protect me from getting caught for drink driving. So, that’s what I did.
As I drove home, I whispered a prayer to the deity, asking for protection. I was sure that my prayer would be answered and that I would make it home without consequence. I was so confident, in fact, that I didn’t even bother to drive carefully. I drove recklessly, weaving in and out of traffic and pushing the speed limit.
I made it home without incident, and I was relieved. I was sure that my prayer had been answered and that the deity had shielded me from the law. I was sure I was in the clear, and I was thrilled. I was sure I could get away with drink driving.
Boy, was I wrong.
I was pulled over by the police and arrested for drink driving. I was shocked and embarrassed, and I couldn’t believe it. I was sure I had been protected by the deity, and yet here I was, facing the consequences of my actions. I was sure I couldn’t get caught, but I had been wrong.