A netizen shared how her own sibling mocked her for getting into NUS while they got into Oxbridge, calling her a “trash person from a trash school”.
Here is the story:
My own older sibling has always looked down on my academic standing. I have always gotten into good schools but never as good as them.
I got nearly straight As for A levels with 1 B but never their perfect As. I got into NUS and they got into Oxbridge.
Recently they told me I’m some “trash person from some trash school” and even if it happened a month ago it still makes me really sad.
I think I’m just ranting here to get it off my chest because sometimes I feel fine but whenever I think about it it makes me sad.
Editor’s note: Life is a marathon, not a sprint. And many times when a person is mocking you, they are projecting their own insecurities onto you.
And what’s the point of your sibling getting into prestigious schools with perfect scores but their characters are dirtier than a rubbish dump?
They won’t make it far in life with their attitudes, be patient and let nature run its course.