I really think that the world will be a better place without my mum and people like her. She is everything that’s harmful for the society: racist, homophobic, gosip monger, etc. She treated me like an investment and even unhappy that I only booked a 4-star hotels for her instead of a 5-star ones for our trip to Bali.
I got a scholarship when I was 15, so she actually didn’t spent much money on me as she barely gave me allowance but she paid off my brother’s tuition loan fee debt and even sponsor him to study in Europe for his master. She always get sensitive when I brought this up and start emotional blackmailing me saying that she is old (she is only 62, not even that old) and doesn’t have much time left (lol, how I wish). I suspect that she has a mental illness. She is really toxic and I just hope to cut her off from my life. But I love my dad, so I cannot just cut her off and just keep my dad.
Here are what netizens think:
I am known for having unconventional views. Anyway please ignore if you disagree
The world may or may not be a better place without certain people
We will never know
We can never know
Even if we know we cant change
There was someone who tried and many died so let’s not go into that
Now that we know we have to coexist with people who we may not like, agree with the question is how to coexist with them
1) talk to them, understand them
This is the first step to trying to coexist with them
2) if you can’t coexist with them
Then you can choose to pretend to coexist with them or minimise your interaction with them
The problem will be solved one day with time