I was devastated when my grandmother passed away. She was the most loving and compassionate person I had ever known and I felt like a part of me had died when she did.
For months after her death, I constantly felt an ache in my heart. I missed her so much and I was desperate to find a way to keep her memory alive.
One day, I was going through her things, trying to find something that would help me feel close to her again.
I stumbled across her favorite bra and the moment I touched it, I felt a wave of emotion come over me.
I brought the bra close to my face and inhaled, taking in her scent. I could almost feel her presence in the room and it was like a comforting embrace.
For weeks after that, I would take the bra out of the drawer and just sit there and hold it close to me. I found that it was a great way to keep her memory alive and I was also comforted by her scent.
I even started snuggling with the bra at night, so that I could feel like I was being held in my grandmother’s arms.
I know that it might sound strange to some people, but it was my way of coping with her death. My grandmother was such an important part of my life and I still miss her every day.
But, thanks to her bra, I can still feel her presence with me and it brings me a lot of comfort.
I know that my grandmother is no longer with me in a physical sense, but I can still feel her in my heart. I think that’s the most important thing.
I will always miss her, but I know that she is still with me in spirit and that’s what really matters.
So, I will keep her bra close to me and take it out whenever I need a reminder of how much I miss her.