Ok so the context is I’m 23(M) got this job about two months ago and I got promoted to a manager after about a month.
I’ve made friends really quickly (people have commented at how fast I was accepted into the friend group) and everyone is pretty cool.
We had a work function and everyone was drinking and I met a woman who works at another office who is about 30. She is also a manager and I went over and talked to her and quickly noticed how intense, rowdy and drunk she was.
She seemed to immediately come across as a really strong personality and was kind of hitting on me? But I don’t drink so I didn’t really try to talk to her for the rest of the night although she intrigued me a lot. I feel uncomfortable talking to people who are drunk when I’m sober, because they’ll be more friendly and open than usual and I kind of feel like I am less vulnerable than they are.
Fast forward about a month from the party and I talked to this woman very minimally since then. (And not seen in person) There was a work hike organised for this weekend and I noticed that she is one of the ones who put her hand up to go.
Probably good to note our big boss recommended we carpool as a group of us stay in the same area.
I decided to message her on our work app and ask if she was going, after she said she isn’t sure yet I told her to let me know if she is because her drive is the longest out of everyone’s and she can cut it in half by stopping at mine, and the hike will be very early.
To this message she didn’t reply at all, then left the work group chat for the hike the same day.
I can’t help but feel like I may have creeped her out. I am really forward but I feel much more confident and natural talking to people irl and over text it’s much harder
Do you think I was being too forward/creepy? Or is that a genuinely nice gesture to look out for her for the long drive.
I do think she is attractive but I am not necessarily interested in her