A man sends in his story of how he is planning to settle down in Thailand for endless supplies of Siam Bu.
Here is the story:
I treat every woman I date with the same generous level of respect, kindness and appreciation regardless of who they are, their culture, or their expectations for our relationship.
While there have been a few exceptions, in my personal experience Thai women are far more appreciative of being treated well than those I met in my experience and treat me better in return. I feel like I’m in a truly equal relationship and that’s extremely comforting.
I’ve had toxic relationships with both, I figure I hit the jackpot when I found a person that’s really great who just so happens to be Thai. It’s really hard to generalize.
Thailand is where I decided to make my life, so it’s only natural that I would gravitate toward the women of the place I have chosen to live. I personally think Thai women have a lot of offers and rank high, but at the end of the day everyone has their own preferences and nobody is going to persuade them differently.
Siam bu paradise
The abundance of beauty here is off the charts. Yes, there are beautiful women in other places but in the cities where you can’t walk for 2 minutes without seeing someone attractive. It’s like there is an endless supply of siam bu.