This current department I’m attached to OT almost every day, like work starts at 9am ends at 6:30pm but they do not go back before 8pm like even when i leave at 8:30 I’m like the first to leave.
They’ll stay till like 9 or 10 and next morning 8am already in office.
Most of them are middle aged like 40-50s maybe they don’t have much commitments so they don’t mind staying but i do like i wanna go out have dinner with friends or workout.
Is it a bad work life culture or just me having a bad mindset?
Netizens’ comments
- you are definitely not having a ‘bad mindset’
nothing wrong with wanting to leave at 6.30.
you literally already spend majority of your life working in office
no need to push it to the point that you work, go home eat sleep, wake up and continue
- Have you tried asking anyone at the office why they are working OT?
Is it because there is work to clear which has hard deadlines? (eg. regulatory reporting, client deliverables) is it because there is too much work and too few people to spread the work around to? Is it because taking work hone is not technically feasible? Is it because the boss hasn’t gone home, so everyone feels paiseh to go bine before he/she dies?
Whethwr the work culture is toxic or not will depend on what the real reason for everyone working OT is.