Girlfriend (30f) keeps turning down my proposals (48m)
My girlfriend and the mother of my son and I have been together for four years, and she is the mother of my 2 year old son. After we dated for a year I asked her to marry me. She said no. I thought we were still early in the relationship so that was okay.
The second time I asked was when our son was born. She said no. I thought with the pandemic and new baby maybe it was too much.
Today, I took our son and bought her some flowers. I had him run to her with them and I came out with the ring.
She said “I wondered when you’d ask again!” Happy as could be, and then she said no…
I couldn’t take it and started crying. I went in another room away from our son so I could really let it out.
She came in later and played with my hair and started telling me any woman would be lucky to be my wife. But, it’s probably not her.
I don’t understand. We live together. We are great in bed, we talk, we laugh, we have a baby! And she still says no. What I doing wrong here?!
I’m so sad. What do I do? Whenever I ask why she shrugs and gets quiet and leaves the room. I just need advice, I can add to this as needed but I can’t think of anything else to say. Thanks…