I’m 30M and my GF is 36F. We’ve been together for about 6 years. Is it normal for 36-year-old women to be too tired for bedtime activities about 3 times a week? A lot of the time when I try to initiate she says she’s too tired.
I was wondering if she’s too tired due to work, but I’m also in the same line of work as her. Her working hours might be a bit longer than mine, but there’s not much difference.
Then I thought maybe she wasn’t really enjoying it? But when we do it, she does actually get quite wet.
What other possible reasons are there?
It has been like that for quite a while already, around 4 years. For the last few years I’ve just resorted to relieving myself but I don’t feel like doing that for the rest of my life.
Maybe another possible reason is that I take too long to ‘finish’? Usually, we do it for around 30 mins until she says she starts to feel tired down there so we transition to other kinds of “jobs”.
At least she manages to get the job done eventually. But a lot of the time I can see she starts to look kinda tired and I have to try to finish it asap or else she might start pulling a long face and looking a bit sulky.
So is it normal for 36F to feel tired or kinda sore down there after about 30 mins?
Here is what netizens think
- A few points to consider here. Are you two staying together? Is she doing the housework alone? What position is your 30 minutes in?If she doing housework alone, of course she feel tired everyday taking care of a big child. If the whole 30 minutes she is the only one moving then of course she has to be tired.
- Its you and her. Trust me. I’ve done an hour before, and if you’re with the right partner, it’s never tired