Met a great girl (36F) but she will not date me until my (41M) divorce is finalized….
I am going through a divorce, paperwork is not signed as we are waiting for some issues to be cleared up first. Divorce is not messy and we are not using lawyers or anything like that.
Simple sign with notary and over. I asked for the divorce and moved out in March of this year.
I met a girl on Thursday at a meet and great event, we hit it off immediately. Went out Friday night and had a great time.
Had plans for Saturday but she cancelled because she can’t get past that I am not divorced and she wouldn’t want this to happen to her. I can’t sign paperwork to divorce officially due to issues. She said to reach out when I was officially divorced.
I really liked her and wanted to pursue her further… should I let her go and move on.
Should I ask her to be friends, we have a lot of common interests and I would enjoy doing these activities with her even if we weren’t romantically involved. Would this be too weird?
41M and 36F. She has no kids, never married. I have one 10 year old.
Netizens’ comments
- You should… do exactly what she told you to do?
Honestly why is this complicated?
Reach out to her when the paper’s signed. - You are surprised that someone doesn’t want to date a married man? Do you have any idea how often women hear “we are getting divorce… just waiting on paperwork” paperwork that never comes. Even if you are totally on the up and up, you are tied to your WIFE for an indeterminate amount of time.
- So she is a decent human being who doesn’t date married men. I don’t blame her. So many men claim to be getting divorced soon but are still married months or even years later. She probably doesn’t want the drama or stigma of dating a married man.