A netizen shared how he keeps his headphones on all the time even though he isn’t playing anything on it, just so he can avoid talking to people.
Here is the story
I always have headphones I’m never listening to anything
I always have my AirPods in because I just don’t want to be bothered. I can hear everything happening around me and actively listen to what others are saying.
I’m a male and surprisingly people still try and talk to me all the time. Even going as far as yelling to get my attention for particularly no absolutely dyer reason even tho I can plainly hear them when I’m anywhere including the gym and shopping.
Many times I continue to ignore them even tho I heard and saw them try and get my attention.
I stopped on my walk to write this because a man just stopped to ask googleable directions. I said no and kept going. Am I too approachable looking? I don’t know.
Netizen’s comments
I used this technique to get people to get lost at work. People are much less likely to harass you for things when you have a headset on and seem to be on calls.