In a startling incident on February 3, ordinary individuals turned into heroes as they courageously confronted a chopper-wielding assailant in Queenstown, Singapore. Mr. Mok Kwong Heng, Mr. Gangatharan Saravanan, and Mr. Emmanuel Ee, unrelated and unknown to each other, found their paths intersecting due to the actions of a 20-year-old man who attacked seven people in the area, according to TODAY.
The Fateful Encounter:
Background of the Heroes:
- Mr. Mok Kwong Heng (61): Just after ending his shift as a cleaner at a hawker centre on Margaret Drive, he was walking towards Queenstown Community Centre for a Chinese New Year reunion dinner event.
- Mr. Gangatharan Saravanan (28): Having his weekly grocery run at a Sheng Siong supermarket, he was unaware that a routine errand would turn into a life-altering experience.
- Mr. Emmanuel Ee (21): Cycling along the Alexandra Canal Linear Park on his way home, Mr. Ee became an unwitting participant in the unfolding drama.
The Incident Unfolds:
As Mr. Mok was happily walking with a group towards the community centre, shouts and screams pierced the air. The assailant, wielding a chopper, emerged, with Mr. Gangatharan closely behind.
Acts of Heroism:
- Chasing the Attacker: Mr. Mok, Mr. Gangatharan, and two others gave pursuit, determined to prevent harm. Mr. Ee, hearing the commotion, also joined the chase.
- Protecting the Public: Concerned about the safety of others, especially children in the park connector, the trio aimed to divert the assailant’s attention away from potential victims.
- Disarming Attempts: Deploying makeshift weapons like dustbins, cones, plastic chairs, and even a metal pole, they attempted to disarm the attacker, displaying remarkable resourcefulness and courage.
In an act of extraordinary bravery, the group managed to subdue the assailant near Queens Peak, a nearby condominium. Their swift and collective action ensured the safety of the community.
Reflections on the Heroic Acts:
For Mr. Mok, Mr. Gangatharan, and Mr. Ee, this was their first encounter with someone wielding a dangerous weapon. Despite the potential danger, their immediate concern was the well-being of others.
The heroes emphasized their focus on protecting children, the elderly, and the general public during the pursuit. Their selfless actions reflect a deep sense of community and responsibility.
Unrelated and unknown to each other, these individuals showcased the power of collective courage and unity in the face of adversity. Their actions exemplify the strength of a community coming together to protect its members.
Source: Alvin via Chen Yien Chong on Facebook and Singapore Police Force