I just found out that my mother has been stealing money from my bank account for years.
I am a student and money was never really my priority I worked over the holidays to earn money to buy things I wanted.
It was a shock when I found out and I can’t believe it took me 6 years to finally find out. She was very careful but in the end she made a mistake and it was all thanks to a stupid gacha game which forced me to go the bank.
I had to make some changes to my bank account in order to buy something and I did just that. I got access to all my transactions on my phone and it was really nice because I could see all the stupid things I spent my money on. Until I started going back a few years back and noticed transactions that I never made.
She somehow managed to get my credit card information to make online purchases, she even took my credit with her to buy in things in stores and to withdraw money from the ATM.
That b- took about $6000 (maybe even more) of my hard earned cash (and it really was hard earned cash I worked for and slogged my guts out and that job is not easy but it pays well so that was the reason I did it) to buy expensive things for herself.
Right now I am so mad, I am lost and I have no idea what to do. So here I am hoping for some advice on what to do.
TLDR; My mother got access to my credit card information and stole money from my bank account to buy expensive things for herself.
Thank you for reading this I just hope that this doesn’t happen to someone else (if it happend I am sorry I hope everything worked out in the end) and please don’t be like me and check balance of your bank account regularly.
Netizens’ comments
- Call your bank about it ,change your credit card and info to be sure she will have no access . And later try to make the link between the transactions on your account and what she buy like that you will also expose her. She stole not to feed herself or pay bills to survive but to build a fake image ,time to debunk that!
- Get a new bank account and cards. Call the credit agencies and place a block on your credit so she won’t be able to get new credit cards in your name.
If you want to confront her then fine. However, it would be real entertaining to see what she does when she realizes you figured it out by not being able to make a purchase. When she asks, you could say something along the lines yeah I just want to make sure thieves can’t get a hold of my info and then watch her reaction. It will be priceless. - My mom has done the same along with pawning anything I’ve had with any value (a mint condition Sega genesis 4 controllers and a ton of games) and lots more shes also destroyed my credit she is blocked on everything now and acts like she doesnt know why I’m mad
- Go to an entirely new bank, not just a branch of the old one.