A netizen took to social media to seek advice on whether she is able to file a report to the authorities against her partner’s ex wife because she has been disrupting their lives and trying to turn her partner’s kids against her.
Here is her story
Hi there can anyone advise me if I am able to file a police report against my partner’s crazy ex wife. for the past year since we’ve been together, she’s made things incredibly hard even though they are divorced officially.
She would always video call to spot check on him using their kids as an excuse, calling me names as well and indirectly the kid has called me names too because of their mum’s influence.
She’s also stalking my socials and using it to spark arguments with my partner and this has caused him much happiness and distress to be honest and affected our relationship to the point now I’m going for therapy because it was so much to take in.
Was wondering if the police would be able to do anything about it because she was the one who cheated and had an affair and then went crazy and emotionally affected everyone including his family after I got together with my ex.
Here are what netizens think
- Wow you’re brave to stay with your partner despite his crazy ex
- Just wondering why nvr block her number and on your socials? Then she won’t be able to call or see what you post?
- Poha lor