Unbelievable long streak of bad luck since end 2020.
I’m on a super long streak of bad luck since end 2020. All the way until now. 2 years plus. From 2010 to October 2020, not much bad stuff happened.
But ever since end of 2020, i keep on kena unlucky incidents, almost non stop.
Whether its career, finance, family, relationship with opposite gender, NOTHING has been going right. At first i still thought my health not too bad, so i feel consoled.
But this year. My health also start to kena unlucky stuff…Stomach flu twice in 3 months, flu, stung by bee few months ago, just injured myself when exercising yesterday, and today the ironing board suddenly spoil n collapsed on my toe, n scrapped some skin off my leg, now got 4 patches of skin scrapped off damn painful.
I haven’t kena stomach flu for like at least 7-8 years, didnt have runny nose for almost 2 years plus, never got stung by bee before, didnt have any injury from exercising for past few years…
This 2 years plus, i got knocked by cyclist, last year fell down cuz my dad fell down n i was trying to break his fall, and now my legs kena injury again.
This 2 years suddenly my legs have a lot of new scars. everything happened within a span of 2 years.
How to end bad luck? Got any ways? Pls share. Thanks.
Hopefully the bad luck all come one shot, n once my bad streak end, i will not kena anything unlucky for a long time.
Here are what netizens think
- Dun think too much about it lah. Why magnifying yr problem making you feel worst off. Some of yr issues cld be due to carelessness, no health conscious to take precaution hence fall sick. Why blame luck not yrself?
- you kena external bruises only and call it a bad luck? I kena perm illness that has no cure, got to live with it for the rest of my life. Then this one is call what?
- everyone runs on a 10 years luck cycle so your scenario is not surprised to me and is common. Every luck cycle can be different impact to you. Most likely your current lucky cycle has a reverse effect compare to the previous 10 years
- I abstained from ‘piak piak’ for 7×7 49 days before going gambling, won $100k from the casino…Â
I abstained from ‘piak piak’ for 7×7 49 days before asking my crush out, we managed to piak on the first date…
‘piak piak’ drain luck just like women drain money. Abstain from ‘piak piak’ and your luck will slowly regenerate…Â