Dumbest experiences you’ve had in NS
What are some of the dumbest shit you’ve experienced in NS? I’ll go first: someone from my platoon lost their jockey cap during outfield so the entire platoon had to wear our helmets as headdress all the way from the outfield site, in the bus back to camp all the way back to coy line.
Netizens’ comments
- My camp had this siao lang who broke into the officers mess at night and drink all the Tiger beer, then he got drunk and fell into the longkang and toh inside. Kena discovered by guard duty prowlers and the next day kena charge and sent to DB.
- Wear running shoes to toilet for showering also
- One person didn’t patch up his camo during BMT outfield during break time. End up whole platoon camo on camo off.
- Some goondu legit did not shower for the full 2 weeks confinement, and did not wash his uniform, only febreeze and carry on
Some guy washed his socks and left it in his cupboard to dry, so ofc the cupboard smelt like shit. When sgt asked him to put outside, the socks turned brown (this was the white and grey socks) by the next day. Dunno wtf he washed it with but jesus - Got one guy overslept and was late to fall in for first parade, everyone was in long 4 and this joker fall in with his admin tee and slippers. The platoon sergeant jitao sibei dulan and made him go and count all the rocks in the parade square and report strength to him while we senang diri and wait for him.
- This is my story ah, during our ATEC mission, I was deployed to ambush the enemy and take out their tank with my matador.
So after camping for about 4 hours, the enemy finally showed up and I only had one shot, I dashed into the middle of the road right behind the tonner (the “tank”) and fired my matador, but still managed to miss. Mission failed. We had to redo the whole thing and I became the joke of the battalion. - During flag raising, I was supposed to raise the flag and the RSM was behind me at the time. As I was raising the flag, my hand slipped and the flag almost dropped all the way to the ground but I managed to catch it just in time and quickly raised it back up. I turned around and saw the look of horror on my sergeant’s face as the RSM turned to stare at him.
- So during one of my outfield missions, we were disembarking from the helicopter and supposed to fan out and check for enemies while the helicopter took off. I suddenly heard RSM shouting “whose magazine is this” and realised that it was mine. He found my magazine under the helicopter and needless to say, I kena the best F in my whole life.
- Platoon mate got caught smoking in toilet, PS made the whole platoon crawl one by one to the cubicle he smoked in, touch the toilet bowl and shout “THANK YOU (the smoker’s name)” while my PS hosed us down
- During GCC, one guy couldn’t finish his food and vomited a bit back into his plate, but didn’t say anything and kept quiet. The instructor told his friend to help him eat finish his food, and when the guy later found out that he had eaten the blur fella’s vomit, all hell broke loose inside the bunk.
- I remember outside my bunk watching a trainee at coyline salute “Mr Sun” and ask him to go away because it was very hot