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Monday, June 24, 2024


What is wrong with my dad…


My dad is reaching 80 yo… Just recently fully retired and very frequently sits in the living room just in deep thoughts about every small thing about Other ppl… And mostly are really non of his business… But he gets annoyed by every small thing that affects his sleep daily.

He limits the time we come home, use the hair dryer and use the toilet at night for fear we will cause noise that will disturb the neighbours.

I was taking a dump at 1 to 2 am, and he couldn’t sleep coz I had the lights on in the living room and he ask my mom to text me to tell me to shut off the lights ASAP coz it’s disturbing his sleep as the lights will seep in under his door.

When I turn my room door/toilet knobs he also say it will wake him

I was drying my hair at midnight but he was in the room scolding my mom on why can’t I dry my hair earlier coz it disturbing him and possibly the neighbours


I hv a lot of items selling in Carousell and he also want to interfere saying am I so desperate /need money hence I need to sell my stuffs… And he despise when I sell things… As if I’m throwing his face…

When I purchase things from Taobao he also have the nastiest thing to say about foreign imports, saying only Cheapskates like me cannot afford to buy frm physical stores, so hv to buy frm online… And I will surely get scammed one of these days…

I am already nearing 50 years old and he is giving me curfew say he will lock door if I come back late

I being the Very Cheapskate child, has been contributing to my parents house and their living expenses since ard 19 years old , even when I was jobless…, I still support their expenses unconditionally with my savings, whereas my sibling who permanently lives with them did not contribute a single cent

not only does he Not help with house chores , he treats our mother like a maid…


He creates so much pee on the bathroom floor to add to her cleaning duties…

The best part is, she tell me “that is how men are like… Your dad is like that too !”

Why does my mom enjoy being tortured or wat… , Wats wrong with her brain omg…

Why can’t ppl just SIT DOWN to pee if they are not lifting a finger to help with cleaning AT ALL !???

Pls be considerate and don’t take your mom for granted !

he is highly educated, but Wats the use, he doesn’t even bother to help them read their letters fr the gov and every time my parents had to call me and ask me wat do those letters say… I was really so annoyed they are allowing him to behave like such a brat…

But my mom now tells me, my dad says if I hv any intention to move home, he will move out and I am maximum allowed to stay Occasionally only 1-2days…. And she tells me to stop doing things to make him angry coz he is alr so old, and he keep thinking he is nearing death

I feel very used and not appreciated and deeply hurt ever since she told me that 2 weeks ago till now…

Yesterday I told my mom that only a Dead person will not produce ANY NOISE in the house and I feel that my dad is not behaving like a normal person

He screams at me over every small thing for fear I will disturb the neighbours and his precious son who has to work the next day


But I really did not make any unreasonable amount of noise, even my mom said she hardly heard I produce any noise…

During COVID in 2020, I tried to help my uncle put up his items for sale online as he claimed his business was very bleak and he was in a pathetic state… But it came back to bite me until now…

He is still complaining to my dad about how wrongly I posted his products and it shd not be posted…

It’s been more than 3years btw… And my dad is still screaming at me about it as if I had committed a grievous crime , like it all just happened yesterday (even when there was no loss in any way)…

I did not utter a single word as I did not want to agitate him further as he was behaving like a madman

I think it doesn’t always pay to be a good/kind…

Ppl will just take you for granted…

I had never let their favouritism affect me before, but the part he said I can only stay over for Max 2 days was my last straw as he said he will die very soon if he sees me too often

I am totally speechless…

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