Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) Leong Mun Wai, who is a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) have since apologised in Parliament today evening (8 Mar) for content on his Facebook page which were directed at Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan Jin.
He had first accused the Speaker of not allowing him time to speak in Parliament as he had a few questions which he had wanted to ask.
After a request made by Deputy Leader of the House, Zaqy Mohamad, Leong has also taken down the posts and comments.
Leong also gave an explanation on why he had posted what he had on Facebook towards the end of the parliamentary session.
Wanted to pose a question to Manpower Minister
Leong explained that he had wanted to clarify a very important point to Manpower Minister, Tan See Leng and he did not have the intention to ‘challenge’ the speaker of the processes of parliament with his Facebook posts but instead meant it to hope that there can be some discretion and flexibility when it comes to standing orders, stating that it will go a long way in discussions in Parliament.
Apologised to the Speaker
Leong then said that he sincerely apologises to the Speaker for his Facebook comments and statement which had ‘impugn’ the speaker and the processes of Parliament.
He added that he had taken down the posts, withdrew his comments and will not repeat the same words again.
He also acknowledged that he did not set out the facts in his post and therefore gave a wrong impression.
On top of apologising, he will also post an apology on his Facebook.
Zaqy accepted his apology
After Leong had apologised, Zaqy shared that there is a set of procedures developed by Parliament in which MPs should follow as a guide when it comes to debating important issues.
He added that the rules have been designed and fine tuned throughout the years to ensure that hot issues are brought up and debated intensively.
He also shared that over 50 hours of debate have been put in and there are also other avenues in future sittings to raise any issues.
He therefore hoped that members of Parliament will remember that they are all representatives in Parliament and not attempt to lower the standing or dignity in Parliament.
Having said all these, he concluded that he accepted the apology of Leong.
Image source: Leong Mun Wai/Facebook, Google Maps