I (M32) don’t want my girlfriend (F33) to follow me on social media any more.
She cyberstalks my friends and constantly accuses me of having romantic interest in them. I’m only interested in her and could literally not be any less piqued by the people she’s accused me of liking. (I try to reassure her of this on a daily basis).
Her jealousy and accusation have gotten to the point where I have deactivated my IG, privatized my YouTube, and deleted all my other social media accounts.
(She would go through my posts/comments and attack me about them…all of my posts/comments were mild, at best, and incredibly SFW. There was nothing in my history that I would want to hide or be ashamed about).
I have very little to no agency in our relationship when it comes to social media and just want a place where I can be myself, without fearing that something I said online will upset my gf.
I just want to be able to be myself. Not because I have anything to hide but because I know we’d end up fighting about it sooner than later…
Netizens’ comments
- It sounds like social media is the least of your concerns. She sounds possessive to a deranged extent. You should safely exit the relationship.
- And you are dating her, why?
- Dude, Red flag. Run for the hills and don’t look back.
- Break up. It will never improve. Do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? She needs to see a mental health professional, but that’s not your burden to bear.
I would also recommend filming/recording your breakup, or any other threats she makes. As she’s mentally unstable and not thinking rationally she might accuse you of things that could ruin your life