The amount of men that don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom is disturbing and disgusting.
I work in retail and have to use a public restroom quite frequently, and the amount of men I see walk out if the bathroom without washing their hands is gross and makes me angry.
It’s mostly middle age or older men and some days I would wager almost half don’t wash their hands…
Netizens’ comments
- AGREED am man and the amount of people who don’t wash is crazy. I worked in food and I would say 25% of people would wash their hands more than twice in a shift and it’s pretty nasty tbh. I wish there would be moisturizer though so I don’t have to suffer for washing if I forgot mine
- I don’t understand why people push back on this. Is it laziness? We have known since 1847 that hand hygiene prevents the spread of infection. Just wash your freaking hands. It takes 30 seconds!!! Bathrooms are dirty, your genitals are dirty. Wash your hands!
- Ive seen this happen in the restroom of a high end restuarant. The chef took a whiz in the urinal and walked right out. I suppose he could have washed his hands in the kitchen. He touched 2 surfaces: urinal flush and door knob. I had to use a paper towel to open the door which I do anyway regardless.