My older brother is somewhat useless. But my parents love him. He mooches off everyone. My dad retired a few years ago and can no longer afford to support my brother and his stupidity.
So ever the last five years I have lent my brother about $10,000. And he has paid back roughly $600.
Well he is getting married and he needs money for a honeymoon. Like $2,000. Which I can afford. But I don’t really feel like lending him money I know I won’t get back.
I said “No”. He kept calling me and texting me saying that his fiancee deserves a good honeymoon and that I should help him out. I point out that my parents paid for his degree and I had to go into debt to get mine because they had nothing left for me after he took six years to graduate. And that he still owes me $9,400.
Finally he gets my parents to call me and ask for the money. LoL. I’m already LC with them. They owe me money too. They start trying to guilt me. That I’m his little sister and I should love him enough to help. Blah blah blah.
After about a week of this crap I lost it. I told them fine. I will meet him at their house and help him out financially for the last time.
I showed up and we sat down at the kitchen table. I pulled out all the contracts that I made him sign when I lent him money. I also pulled out a printed copy of the check he paid me the $600 with.
I said he had a choice I could lend him the $2,000 but they had to pay me back what he owed me first or I could tear up all of his debt to me.
Huge fight. I’m an asshole for being so mercenary. How dare I treat family in such a transactional manner. I am a terrible person for letting him think I was going to help. Did I want to make them homeless by asking them for the $30,000 that they owed me too. Blah blah blah.
I said to call me when they decide
Now I’m getting crap from family because they are telling everyone that I won’t help out family. I’m a terrible daughter and sister. So I started asking everyone how much they were going to pay for his honeymoon. “No, no we don’t mean that WE should help. Just you. You’re his sister”.
Okay. Which of you guys is paying off what he owes me already. Radio silence.
But I found out from my cousin that they ar all talking about me behind my back. LoL. I don’t care