I’ve been a rich man’s son my entire life. I had everything I ever wanted and I wasn’t afraid to show it off.
I had always been confident in my looks and charm, but having money gave me an extra edge when it came to attracting the opposite sex. I naively thought that if I showed off my wealth, I would be able to get the girl of my dreams.
So, I went in search of my perfect partner. I used my money to buy expensive gifts, take her out on lavish dates and make sure she never wanted for anything. I thought she was the one and I was sure that my money would eventually win her over.
Little did I know, my money was actually what got me into trouble. It turns out that my girlfriend wasn’t as loyal as I thought. She was just using me for my money. She was taking advantage of my naivety and my willingness to spend on her.
She was constantly asking me for more and more money, and when I refused, she would threaten to leave me. I felt like I had no other choice but to continue to give her what she wanted because I was afraid of losing her.
Unfortunately, my fears came true. After a while, I started to realize that she was taking advantage of me and that she wasn’t even that interested in me. She was just using me for my money.
I was devastated. I had invested so much time and money into this relationship, and I felt so foolish for believing that money could buy me love. I had been so naive and trusting, and I had been taken advantage of.
End up the girl is the full package, pretty face, nice body and a bag full of free STDs