My future SIL accidentally sent a text about me to me, insulting how I looked in wedding dresses I tried on.
I (28F) have been with my fiancé (40M) for 6.5 years. We got engaged in December 2020 and our wedding is in March 2023. It has always been pretty clear that his family, mostly his sisters-in-law, don’t like me. For 6 years I have been trying so hard to be accepted by them, but their disdain is obvious and they do not hide it well. That was outright proven last night.
I tried to involve them in the wedding planning process so in a group chat I texted his three SILS and his mom some favorites from when I went wedding dress shopping. His mom commented that they were all lovely dresses. SIL1 (40s F) put a “heart” emote on the dress she liked best. SIL2 (30sF) was busy at work and chimes in later, doing the same. Immediately after that, another text from SIL1 comes in: “I hate how you can see her tattoo in most of them.” (With a face palm emoji.)
I was crushed. Not even that the comment was that bad, but this just confirms that she’s been talking about me in a mean way to another family member, and that really stings. I’m not surprised, the two SILs are huge gossipers, but it doesn’t stop it from hurting. This day is so special, every bride wants to feel beautiful….and I just wanted to be nice and involve them since they are future family.
To make matters worse, she tried to say that it was meant for a different text message, where they were talking about somebody else. So not only does she think I look like crap in the dresses, but she also thinks I’m an idiot.
Both SILs tried to cover the mistake in the chat by acting more excited, asking questions and saying compliments, but that only made it worse. I haven’t said anything.
How do I move forward from this? Do I say anything at all? I can include screen shots of the texts in the comments if requested.