If you don’t mind caution your perusers about this degenerate android application Le Fap which stole my sister’s photograph and utilized it for their wiped out unreasonable delight. The corrupt makers takes photographs of blameless youthful Singapore young ladies and places it into their application together with other nsfw materials to fap.
I have sent various cautioning letters to them requesting that evacuate my sister’s photos however they declined to do as such. They are a pack of appalling sick people going after the vulnerabilities of young ladies.
Numerous other honest young ladies likewise had their photographs stolen by this application, I encourage you to check if your photographs have been stolen and abused. Mass email them to expel the hostile photographs or debilitate legal advisor letter. I connected with a legal counselor to send them a bring down notification, you ought to do likewise as well.
I trust this notice will help different young ladies who may have been gone after by this disturbing individual who made the application.