I’ve been having an affair for two years and neither my husband nor my affair has any idea.
I do want to start out by saying that I realize how horrible a person I am.
There are no excuses for what I’ve done but some of the main reasons I started resenting my husband are as follows:
My husband is almost completely unable to have intercourse due to a medical issue, even with medication.
My husband lost 7 figures by gambling it away last year. It was his own money, but we still had made plans to use it for a home.
There was a brief stint where my husband was texting some other girl inappropriate things but nothing ever happened between them.
Husband has always been addicted to adult videos and lies about it often.
We have been married since 2018. In 2021, I began my unexpected affair. My affair was 35 years my senior. I was 31 at the time and he was 66. He was a client where I used to work and we always got along really well. I dropped off a Christmas present at his house one night and a couple months later, we slept together.
It was an incredible experience to have real, passionate intercourse for the first time in my life. As wrong as I knew it was, I couldn’t stop it.
We fell in love. As we grew more serious, we moved in together a few months ago. I told my husband I didn’t love him anymore. Sunday night I left my affair’s home because I have problems controlling my emotions. I didn’t want to leave and I knew I would be miserable going back to my husband, and I am.
There is no going back and I am stuck in this moldy apartment with a husband I pretend to love.
I feel constant anxiety over having lost my affair, and no remorse for what I’ve done.
That’s it.