29.3 C
Saturday, September 14, 2024


The day I found out my wife had lost over $200,000 of our shared money in stocks and forex trading, my world came crashing down.


I thought she was smart, or was I dumb for marrying her, but the reality of the situation was that I had married an extremely dumb wife.

It all started when my wife, who had never had any experience in investment or trading, started talking to her friends about the stock market.

Her friends were apparently “experienced traders”, and they convinced her that she too could make a lot of money through trading. She was incredibly naive and believed them, and started taking our shared account money and investing it in the stock market and forex.

She did it behind my back. Unfortunately, I found out too late that she had already invested in several stocks and forex trades. I was furious, but I decided to let her continue as long she don’t use more than 10% of the money in the account, as I thought that she might be able to make some money.


Unfortunately, my wife was not as smart as she thought she was, and she ended up losing all the money she had invested.

She was too trusting of her friends and went behind my back a second time and used the rest of the money in the account. She did not do her own research or due diligence, and she was unaware of the risks associated with trading. She thought that she could get rich overnight, and was completely oblivious to the fact that she could lose all of our money.

It was a huge blow to us financially and emotionally. We had put all of our eggs in one basket, and now we were out of money. We had to start from scratch, and it took us a long time to recover from the loss.

Looking back, I realize that I should have been more strict and not allowed my wife to invest our money without doing her own research and due diligence. I should have been more aware of the risks associated with trading, and I should have been more careful with our money. I should have protected our investments better, and I should have been more aware of my wife’s actions.

It was an incredibly difficult experience, and it was a hard lesson to learn. My wife learned the hard way that stock market and forex trading is not as easy as it seems, and it can be a very risky business. We both learned the importance of researching and understanding the risks associated with investments, and we both learned that making money through stock market and forex trading is not as easy as it seems.


It was an incredibly expensive lesson, she lost her status as the house wife and I forced her to go work and make up for the money in the account + interest + inflation.

She is not happy about it but she have to do it as she is guilty.

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Why hb watch P... and still dare to say they love their wivesI don't understand..what is in their mind..would...
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