It’s been my dream since a young age to have my own bedroom and decorate it how I like. So, when I got my new HDB with my husband and I for us to move in together, I asked him which bedroom he’d like for himself.
Initially, he thought I was joking when I asked for separate rooms.
But when he realized I was serious, he got really mad and called me “crazy” and “out of touch” for insisting on separate bedrooms. I told him that this was something I always wanted once I had my own place, but he called me an asshole for not considering his feelings and what other people would think about our situation.
I understand that this rooming situation may not be normal, but I think it’s fine to live how we want no matter what other people have to say.
So, is it really weird of me for deciding that my boyfriend and I get separate rooms even though he wants to share a room?
Here are what netizens think:
Like that might as well don’t marry and don’t stay together.
You are the weird one, own husband leh not some random guy.
Some people just have very weird reasons. Yes you are considered as the weirdest wife story I heard.