Is sleeping with someone while separated cheating?
Me and the wife separated almost a year ago. We agreed not sleep with anyone until we got a divorce just in case we worked it out.
We pretended to live like we weren’t. I still paid the bills, we still slept together, still did holidays together.
Long story short, she’s been sleeping with someone pretty much the whole time. She claims it’s not cheating since we were separated.
I’m not for sure what to think anymore. Just numb.
Netizens’ comments
- Cheating or no, this should pretty much kill the working things out option.
- She lied and betrayed your trust. Arguing over the label is pointless.
If you are separated it was unwise to pretend to live like you weren’t because this situation was likely to happen.
Now you know it’s the right decision to end it. - Of course she is cheating. The both of you had an agreement to not sleep with anyone during the separation, she is breaking that agreement.
I would say the separation is over and you should proceed with divorce. - Well everyone’s perception and idea of what constitutes cheating is different and whilst I will say her breaking her end of the agreement is pretty shitty and she should’ve had the decency to be upfront, I think after a year it’s as good as done.