My friend 27F died and none of her bestfriends showed up to her funeral
Her whole entire day-one friend group abandoned her. It was mostly her family members and her coworkers present at her funeral. None of her best friends who I met through her bothered to show up.
I ran into her actual best friend at a bar a few weeks later. This was her best friend since young. Her real day one bestie who she always spoke highly of. We had all hung out several times through the years so we are familiar.
I asked if she attended the funeral (pretending like I didn’t attend myself) and she told me she couldn’t get off work that day. And said it in a very dismissive and unconcerning manner, she had spent her night partying with her other friends without a concern or care in the world.
It really put into perspective for me that a lot of connections that we have are not genuine connections. Most people you know are gonna instantly detach from you when you die because they can no longer benefit from you.
I had to face the fact that when she died I was her only real friend, and when I think about it her day one best friends only came around when there was fun to be had.
They weren’t there for her when she needed a baby sitter so she can go to work. It was me.
They weren’t picking up her kids from school when they got sick. It was me. They weren’t listed on her kid’s school pickup list. It was me.
I spent years thinking that I couldn’t compete with her best friends when in reality I was her best friend and she was mine.
Netizens’ comments
- They couldn’t compete with you because they’re terrible people. She had a great friend in you. I’m sorry for your loss.
- I am so sorry for your loss and I’m a little sorry that you had to learn this lesson at such a young age. I was much older when I learned it anyway, I hope your friends memory will be a blessing to you.
- I’m sorry for your loss. She was lucky to have a friend like you. One true friend is more worth than a million fake ones.
- Sorry for your loss, BUT…funerals are for the living, not the dead (imo). I’ve been to too many funerals and really avoid them if I can bc i had so many. It doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means it’s too painful.