26.7 C
Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Physically Attractive = better opportunities at the workplace? What do you think?


Yes, i get it. Some of you will be like,’ ya duh, looks are essential!’ but some of us till cling on to that false illusion that in a “meritocratic-driven” country like Singapore, they’ll actually place more emphasis on your hard work rather than your looks.

But in the cold hard ugly reality of us unattractive folks, our 100% effort is equal to an attractive person’s 50%. The other 50% is attributed to their looks and all the benefits that come along with it.

You can’t deny that looks do play a part, i mean even in our day-to-day purchases, we will always ask ourselves “Which one looks nice ah?” before making that purchase. Pretty sure it applies to daily interactions as well.

Quick story. Some dude in my workplace who isn’t even competent in his day-to-day duties, can’t handle cases assigned, can’t manage the team well, and heck there were tons of complaints about him.


But hey, he is tall, lean, with that slick financial-advisor-esque hairstyle, well-spoken, and was then chosen to represent our company in some local documentary.

And voila, guess who was graciously awarded the “A” during performance grading for exemplary performance? Yes sir, not us ugly C-graders. hmmm. Halo-effect in play idk?

Do you guys have any stories to share on when looks triumph all at your workplace? Would be interesting to read hahaha.

Netizens’ comments

  1. In Korea, doing plastic surgery is supported and they do it because being pretty and handsome do have advantages in life. Human can be superficial, it is the reality. Of course, being pretty or handsome alone are not enough but doesn’t mean it isn’t a advantage.
    Your example is not someone who just look pleasant but also capable of present themselves well. That is how simple human can be. As long they look good, speak well, even if the context is generic, they will think that person is smart. In fact, speaking well is more impactful than looking good but if you got both, wow, you will be amazed how you can talk cock your way through.
  2. I guess it really depends on luck. Some get it easy by being physically attractive yet some get targeted by insecure people even if their work is good. The latter might not necessarily be drop dead gorgeous but better looking than their direct superiors.
    For example, some younger gen gets targeted by aunties at work just cos they get complimented from others in office for their youth and looks. Like imagine getting picked on for your height too like what?
  3. For customer-facing roles it’s almost a truth. I look at all the insurance agents, property agents I’ve encountered, plus all the sales team members in every company I’ve worked in, and none of them are below average, like at minimum you could rate them a 5/10 in term of physical looks.
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