Fiancé asked if he was the most satisfying partner. I gave him an honest answer. Now he’s unhappy about it?
My fiancé and I have been together 3 years. Great relationship, clearly the love of my life. In the bedroom things are fine.
Since there’s a problem with my answer. Obviously I have had experiences in the past that I would consider much better and a lover in the past who I would consider to be the best one I’ve had.
It is unfortunately not my fiancé. However. i don’t really care. He is fine in the bedroom. I don’t need it to be amazing for the relationship to be amazing. I don’t think there’s a problem with that
We’re on a vacation rn overseas and we have been f-ing like rabbits. We had a particular amorous night two nights ago.
When we were done he told me that he thinks that was the best of his life and he has literally never felt the way I made him feel during it. I told him it was fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Which was all 100% true.
But he started getting upset when I told him that I’ve had better, despite me also telling him that he was doing okay as well.
Netizens’ comments
- “I told him that I’ve had better”
I could deal with not being my partner’s best. But that statement above would end a romantic relationship for me. - lawd I hope dude never reads this post
- How would you have felt if the roles were reversed and the guy you had the most amazing F with in the world was like.. “meh, I’ve had way better?”
You’d be crushed.
Now imagine you’re desperately in love with the dude and you’re planning on marrying him and he’s like “sleeping with you isn’t great but I’ve come to terms with it.. sometimes you have to settle”.
You could easily have said something positive. Sleeping with someone you love and trust hits differently. You easily could have said that. “I’ve never slept with someone I’m this in love with.. it’s so beautifully intense to feel all these things while we fk!”
You could have said “god yes, no one has ever X the way you do” or “it’s incredible! I LOVE the way you…”
Instead you chose to be unkind, and the fact is that you’ve now blown it. He’s never, and I mean NEVER, going to be able to let go the way he did that night. He’s always going to feel less than.
You can make him feel better, but he’s never going to unhear those words.
You can try making a list of all the ways he IS the best partner for you.. to show him that it isn’t everything and that he is perfect for you in other ways.. but truthfully I think the damage is done.