My terminally ill ex husband asked to see me one last time but my current husband said he’d divorce me if I do it.
My ex husband and I got divorced 3 years ago. We didn’t have kids although we wanted them so badly. We knew each other for over 10 years and we had been through so much together.
He helped me out when my family abandoned me and quit his job to move with me. He even helped me get my degree and I never wanted us to divorce but he was the one to initiate because he was secretly diagnosed with a medical condition and said he didn’t want to ruin what we had and become a burden.
He’s very sick right now and has asked to see me probably for the last time. My current husband got extremely upset with me when I mentioned it to him and threatened to divorce me if I go.
I’m 5 months pregnant and feel like I’m seeing a side of my now husband that I never seen before. He called this inappropriate and that my ex was being manipulative.
He told me he’d divorce me if I see him but this could be my last chance to say goodbye to him. I can’t even imagine how terrible it’d feel if he passes away without seeing him for the last time but there’s a lot at stake here and I don’t wanna sneak behind my husband’s back.