I am an aircrew or some say cabin crew/flight attendant from a prestigious airline.
We’re one of the top airlines in the world be it in service, flights we offer to passengers or in terms of world airline rankings.
We have a tedious training program and we are often judged for whatever we do
Our training before we become a full fledged crew is long and tedious and we often go through and suffer a lot with the routines and treatments from those who are of a senior rank or even those who are the same rank but joined the airline earlier than us.
During training, we are often forced to fake a smile and be polite to anyone.
No matter if they are right or wrong, capable or incapable or even picking on us for the sake of it, we’ll have to bear it all.
Even if we have to cry, we’ll have to find a way to find somewhere to expose our emotions.
This habit soon became part or my daily life, as somewhere in me was already conditioned to be nice to people no matter how they treated me.
Honestly speaking, it works for me at times but most of the time, I’ll also suffer because of it.
I’m afraid of getting complained, so I do a lot of things by myself even when I’m not capable enough
For context before the story, I’m somewhat of a small framed petite girl.
Every time be it when I’m going to the airport to report for work or coming back, I’ll definitely have to take a taxi or any vehicle besides public transport.
Because of my training and because I wear my cabin crew uniform when I go and board the car, I am reminded that I should be polite and nice to everyone.
This affected me especially when the driver of the vehicle does not come down to help me with my luggage.
I’ll have to carry it and place it myself into the vehicle and I’m afraid to ask for help because I am afraid that they will make noise and complain to my airline.
I mean I’m sure that the airline will not fire me before looking into the case, but I have heard of seniors that were asked to leave because someone complained about them.
Therefore, I do not dare to risk my career or take any chances.
I know some people might say that I also help passengers put their luggage into the overhead compartments, but that is also very rare.
The airline which I work in does not require us to help passengers put luggage up into the compartments and also say that if we get hurt from helping passengers, we cannot claim any injuries.
I have many friends who are unable to work and claim injuries after getting injured, which indirectly affected their livelihood.
However we still so it sometimes, out of compassion and goodwill for those passengers who really needs help.
At the end of the day, it is myself who suffer and I guess I’ll have to resign to fate.